Missions At Home & Abroad


Holding Bread
Weeknights at 9:30
The Living The Life
4 Week Study Series
Each week of the study is independent,
so participation in any given week does not require
involvement in previous weeks.

Mondays Online via ZOOM  7-9pm

Wednesday In Person at KPC   10am


Our Mission & Goal

 At Knox Presbyterian Church,

we seek to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ
and be led by the Holy Spirit in worship,
in daily life, and in serving God
as we serve our community and beyond.


Four Important Words:


Our Goal:

Nothing More,
Nothing Less,
Nothing But!

What we believe:

We name Jesus Christ as the only King and Head of the Church. We uphold the Holy Bible (the Old and New Testaments) to be the standard of the church’s teaching, and the rule for faith and life. As a congregation of The Presbyterian Church in Canada, we subscribe to the Apostles Creed, the Nicene Creed, the Westminster Confession of Faith, Living Faith and the Declaration of Faith Concerning Church and Nation. Catechisms (a series of questions and answers that teach the foundations of the Christian faith) we use include the Heidelberg Catechism, The Shorter and Longer Catechisms
and The New City Catechism .
At Knox we strongly believe in each of us being equal before God and serve as a community in community, as one, a community of hope.  Jesus told us, his disciples, to make disciples of all nations. One of the most important values of this church is our mission to the world. It begins in our own community, and spreads overseas to every nation. Church members are involved in a variety of ministries from things as simple as washing the church vehicles, to delivering food needs, to preparing the church bulletins.

Prayer Team

Knox Church is a body of believers who value prayer, and are committed to prayer ministry. Each Sunday, during worship, we pray for the larger needs of the world as well as offer prayers for specific needs close to home and heart. We have a dedicated team of ‘Prayer Warriors’ who will pray for any special requests and needs. Contact Pastor Chris with your prayer needs, and we will lift you and the person or situation to the Lord.

KPC is engaged in serving God as we serve our community and beyond. We are passionate about showing and sharing Jesus Christ to others. We have served on mission trips to Mississippi, Tennessee, Nicaragua, El Salvador and Guatemala.
We support the amazing work of Presbyterian Aid in Nicaragua (PAN),
with short-term mission trips to Nicaragua and El Salvador.
We support missionaries Nathan and Sarah Montgomery and their family, serving with Mission Aviation Fellowship in the DRC and Uganda.
We support the ministry of INTERNATIONAL JUSTICE MISSION, who rescue people from slavery, sex trafficking, cyber trafficking, and from the injustice and oppression of land confiscation, abuse and court corruption.
We support the work of Presbyterian World Service and Development, the relief and development agency of our denomination. PWS helps people all over the world in times of crisis, disaster, and life changing projects for small businesses, justice, and community development.



Beyond our walls and borders, we are engaged in mission and ministry.

Each year we take on an extra mission project, alternating between Canadian and international opportunities in turn. We have helped with a goat herd in Sudan, a new house in Nicagaragua, a water well in Malawi, motorbikes for rural pastors in Indonesia and various World Vision projects. We have supported members of the church on short -term mission trips to Guatemala and Nicaragua .

Music & Drama

Worship that honours the Lord and encourages His people is important to us! We welcome the gifts of God’s people in music ministry, leading prayer and making stories come alive through drama. We appreciate technical and computer skills as worship involves use of power point and video clips, to provide a meaningful visual worship experience. Our music is a blend of the best of psalms singing, traditional hymns and gospel songs, and contemporary music with an eternal message.

Marriage Preparation and Counselling

We value marriage at KPC, and ask couples to contact Pastor Chris regarding their wedding with enough lead time for important marriage preparation, not just wedding planning. Helping your marriage grow and thrive doesn’t just ‘happen’, so from time to time we offer group study and short term individual/couple counselling. Referrals and resources for marriage enrichment and help are freely offered