Worship With Us!
Come, let us worship the Lord!
Join us in person or online for worship on
Sundays, 9.30 a.m.
It’s my first time!
Come as you are; no need to dress formally.
We have lots of parking, in our lot around the church, or on the street. You will find a warm welcome from the parking lot as you arrive, to when you leave our gathering. We have handicapped designated parking areas, close by the barrier-free access, with someone right there to offer assistance and guidance.
You’ll be welcomed as you enter the church, and receive a leaflet with the outline of the service and the announcements. You’ll feel at home, with people who are on a journey of faith and are eager to welcome and help you.
If you’d like our pastor to follow up with you, Pastor Chris will be glad to do so! Just let her know after worship, or talk with one of the greeters. There are also welcome cards in the Bible racks on each pew; you can fill one out and hand it to Pastor Chris or a greeter.
Guests are our guests – you need not feel any pressure to give a donation unless you truly wish to. We are thankful to have the opportunity to welcome you!
What about my kids?
We love kids! Your children will be welcomed by our children’s greeter, who will learn names, gather information to help our children’s ministry staff care for your children, explain how kids at KPC participate in worship, and then have their own kid’s program. There are colouring sheets, puzzles and more for kids to use before worship starts.
We welcome children to worship, to lead worship, and participate fully as their age allows. As part of worship, children have a special time with our pastor each week, and then go to KID CONNECTION, a program of learning, music, story, crafts and more that engages and teaches them about the Bible and following Jesus, geared to their age level. Nursery care is offered for little ones. Our children’s programs happen in the addition behind the sanctuary; you are welcome to visit there before worship begins, and meet those teaching and caring for your children. We provide a “puck-style” alert indicator for every family so that if your child needs you during the service, you’ll be alerted and can easily slip out to the childrens’ area.
What’s the service like?
Worship at KPC is a blend of old and new; we sing, we pray, we read the Bible, our pastor shares a message, and we care about each other and the world around us. Sunday morning worship is about 75 minutes; sometimes a little longer when we celebrate baptism, communion, and welcome new members. You are welcome to join us for a gathering time after the service -refreshments downstairs in the fall to spring; lemonade on the lawn under the maple trees from mid-May to Labour Day.
A Place to Belong,
A Place to Become
At Knox Church, we welcome you to a journey of faith and service. We talk about belonging and becoming – in Christ. The first step is to pursue a personal relationship with God through Christ; then to grow as a follower of Jesus, led by the Holy Spirit. Doing this with others who are on the journey will bring friendship, compassion, kindness and support, no matter where you are on your faith journey. Through the various ministries at KPC, you will find a place to belong, a place to become the person God created you to be and a place where you make a difference for good in this life. We have opportunities to worship – to learn – to have fun -and to serve! Check them out by scrolling down – and getting involved!
WORSHIP AT KPC….We gather at 9.30 a.m. Sunday mornings for a blended style of worship. We welcome all ages to participate, as we pray, hear God’s Word proclaimed, and sing both old hymns and gospel songs, and new contemporary music. We focus on the scriptures throughout our worship, and have a very ‘participatory’ service.
Children enjoy KID CONNECTION during the second part of the service, learning from the Bible in ways that engage them, while older youth and adults remain in the sanctuary for the message. Pastor Chris preaches from the Bible in a way that helps make the scriptures come alive, and make a difference in daily life.
Dress is casual, and you are welcomed!

We welcome candidates for baptism, either children or adults, after a conversation and counsel with Pastor Chris and approval by our elders.

We celebrate the Lord’s Supper six times a year. Additional services are held during Advent and Christmas, Lent and Easter.
We’d love to have you join us!